Monday, July 23, 2007

Crazy month or so

Ok, so I know I have been off for a while, but a lot has been going on since my last blog and a lot has changed. So here is the long and short of it all. After our trip to NY, I decided to start getting the girls on a good routine and schedule. So between working on school work(Faith is reading like a champ, adding, subtracting and telling time), cleaning the house and swimming, I have been trying to wrap my head around the move still and some other decisions I have made. Back in June, I signed up to run the Marine Corps Marathon with TAPS in honor of Joel. TAPS is a non-profit orginization for military family's who have lost a loved one. TAPS stands for tragedy assistance programs for survivors. It is a wonderful, wonderful orginization and I can't help but try and promote and raise money for this group. They have done so much for my girls. If you ever want to check out the site and all they do, it is . I am still questioning my thought process when I decided that this is the year to run the MCM. I have not been training, I have never run a marathon, but I am a runner. That is all that I have going for me. So far it is going ok, but a lot of the veteran marathoners I talk to tell me I should wait, that it is too soon without proper training. I know they are right, but I am not going out to finish under a certain time, I am just going out to finish, period. I have always wanted to run a marathon and when Joel got home for Iraq he was going to help me train for one. He would never run a marathon, but he could run for quite some time and help me keep pace. Since we never made it to that point, I decided I want to do this run, train and finish it, for him and for me. I know he will be there with me and I know on those hard, long days he is right next to me, but I still wonder if I am out of my mind. If I should wait till next year to make the run. I feel if I don't do it now, I will never do it. At the same time, I don't want to hurt myself, I don't want to over do it and I don't want to stir up a lot of emotions that I have finally put to rest. I guess I will figure it out. Well, I wanted to write more, but I have to much to do right now. I will try harder to get on sooner and on a more regular basis. Thanks for all of your support everyone!!!! Especially you Glo and MQ, you two are always checking up on me!


Heidi said...

Glad you and the girls are doing okay. If you are ever in my part of Texas, let's meet and have lunch! By the way it is too hot in TX to train for a marathon but go for it! I am sure there is a running club in your area.

Glo said...

I was so glad to see you back. Most of all to see that you and the girls are doing Ok.
As for the marathon,I think you should follow your heart. Do what Mary wants to do. This to could be part of your healing. You go girl. It's not about winning,it's about finishing something you and Joel may have done together.You as the runner,him as the trainer.Wishing you all the best in what ever you decide to do.
Lots of {{hugs}} and may God bless,

MQ said...

Good to hear from you Mary. If you do the MCM, I hope we can meet. (I know that's a scary thought, putting blog people with their real lives :) But if you want to, I'd love to just give you a big hug!! I'm planning to run it with my husband, who signed me up, so maybe we'll "run" into each other. :) I haven't been training like I should, so I'm just going to decide at the last minute if I'm actually going run it. I've already paid and you can transfer it (I think) to someone else if you decide not to run it at the last minute. Good luck!

Patti said...

I read your blogs, and really am glad you post these... I've been praying for your family.

God Bless,

Glo said...

Hi Mary,
Just checking to see how you and the girls are. Has their school started? Did you do your run???
How is your weather.Ours is HOT. Was 106 day before and 100 yesterday,that was just the temp. comfort endex was 115 &110. Looking for another hot one today. No rain insite. My flowers have become weeds and the grass (Mike worked so hard on) is brown.
Just dropped in to say your missed.
Love and God bless,

MQ said...

How is your marathon training going?I'm going to have to decide at the last minute if I can do it or not. I've been totally slacking on my running :) Hope you are well...

Glo said...

Ok Mary it's been a month.....come by my blog and at least tell this old worry wart you doing OK.
Miss you girl.
Love and God bless,

Glo said...


Mrs. Palmer said...

Mary, We have met once, but I am sure you do n It was at the McG. leadership award 2006. WE only spoke briefly but you ahve had a profound effect on me. Your strength and pride while accepting the award for him is burned in my memory. I visited Arlington today on 09/11/07 and left flowers for some friends of ours. I stopped by your husband's grave and laid some for him too. I know we do not know each other, but your story is inspiring. We are also running the MCM and the Army 10 miler...Good Luck and God Bless you!