Sunday, March 11, 2007

Thank You

Hello all! Thank you so much for you concern and check-ins. I appreciate it so much. I read the e-mails tonight and thought, oh my goodness, I need to drop a note and check in. Yes, I am doing ok. A lot has happened in the last few weeks since I have been on. I will catch you up in the next blog. Yes, I am ok after all of the storms here in GA. My neighborhood, thank God, did not get hit at all. We had rain and wind, but no damage. I actually did not know about the storm until it was on us. I do not get cable and usually listen to cd's in the car, so I am almost always out of the loop on the weather. When I heard the sirens, I thought I better check the weather on line. Thank God, once again. Most of the North side of Columbus was hit pretty hard and the house that the girls and I used to share with Joel had a good amount of damage. I learned this from a neighbor the other day. I had a few trees cut down right before I moved out, just in case of this situation and the two trees I left up ended up falling and damaging the home and storage shed. I know this sounds selfish, but I am glad we were not there for that. We are all doing well. I am now 30 as of the 3rd and Faith is now 6. SHe is always reminding me too, so I only feel as if I am getting older by the day. Today as we were skating, well the girls, my skates are in need of repair right now, they were both flying and falling but getting back up and just going. I looked at them both and told them how proud of them I was and that they were so brave and strong. I felt like the luckiest mom on earth. If you ever have seen speed skating, you know how hard it is and how scary it is when they go fast and make the quick passes and turns. My girls are brave!! I realized then, after another parent skated by and said, they are the lucky ones, you make them brave and strong, that yes, I do. I do give them a lot and I never look back at it twice. I just keep going. That is what Joel would want, but that is, most important, what I want. Well, I am going to share another message with you all. In a moment. Be prepared. Also, Happy Birthday Glo!! I am glad I helped you through a moment in your life, at a time when I did not think I could help anyone, not even myself. Thank you, thank you!!!!!


Glo said...

Oh Mary,
You just made my day girl. When I saw you'd been back on I let out a war hoop. Mike thought something was wrong with me...All I could say it's Mary,it's Mary. He was also glad that we heard. He's heard enough about you and you family from me. I've been so worried about you and the girls. I guess I'm an OLD worry wart. Sorry about the storm hitting the other house. So glad you guys weren't there.

Happy Birthday to you and Faith too. People born in March are great people. ha ha heehee

I have read you next post. Maybe the move is just what you and the girls need. I just hope you'll still blog or e-mail me at I promise if you e-mail me I will not bug you....Just care very much about how you and the girls are doing.

Best of luck to all of you. Our prayers are with you.

Love and God bless,

Tell the kids your not old til you hit 64 like me.

Glo said...

Thank you for the best Birthday present I could have.........I heard from Mary.