Friday, May 09, 2008

Kindergarten Roundup

Today is the day Bren and I chose to go to K-round up. Well, I chose anyways. Brenna does not want to go, in any way is she looking forward to going to the school today. It is actually really funny. Anytime we mention "school" she says, "I don't want to hear it! It is not for me!" Ummm......sorry Bren, but school is not an option. She has got it in her head the kindergarten is for little girls and in her mind, she is almost 6 and should not be there, she should be with her big sister in 1st grade with her fun teacher. Oh boy! I have 4 months to get her ready and pumped for kindergarten....I can already see the first day. Tempertantrum city, screaming and crying....fighting to leave the classroom and it will take 4 people to hold her back! I just know it is going to be a nightmare! UGH!!!!! Say some prayers for me everyone! With this little girl, I need all the help I can get! I don't know where she gets her drama act from!!! ;)


Melissa said...

I believe that drama act might be a trait from your side of the family cause Ms. Madison has it down to an art also. I wanted to wish you a very happy Mother's Day we love you and miss you.

Melissa & Brent

Glo said...

Prayers coming your way. Mom use to take me to school and I beat her back home....I said I was a small town gal.