Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Being home with just Brenna has been a huge adjustment for both of us. We are finding new ways to entertain eachother, little ways to control ourselves and with that I mean Bren controlling herself. She has always been really good at throwing tantrums and whining and crying before she even knows the answer to her question. I guess in the past that helped her get her way, but now since it is just her and me she is realzing that it does not work. It has been interesting to say the least. I am still working on her tantrums, but we have gotten the whining and crying under control, I think. I have found new ways to entertain her and me so we are not bored during the day. We go to the zoo, that is a lot of fun but it still a little hot out for that right now. Today we went to the mall and had lunch and I needed to purchase some beauty products(isn't that always fun!) and while we were there, the ladies at the counter saw my military ID and asked me about it, Brenna pipes in right away, "we have that because our papa died in Raq". Both ladies looked at me as if to say, "is she serious" and I responded with, yes that right, he did die in Iraq Bren". Those two ladies were so sweet to her and asked her about her papa and just made her feel so special. I realized right then and there that I am doing the right think, not only by keeping her home with me this year, but also with what I am teaching her about her papa and that it is ok for her to tell anyone she wants. I guess today was a turning point for me and being a stay at home mom. I have been thinking about getting a job and putting her in daycare, but today I realized that one more year with her is not going to hurt either one of us. She needs this and I probaly need it just as much.


MQ said...

Oh, that made me tear up. I'm glad the women asked her about her papa though, you must wonder how people will react to news like that.

Glo said...

I shed a tear on that one. Bren is a very smart little lady. My hats off to the two women,God bless them for being kind to her. Glad to see you staying at home with her. The tantrums will end. Your a very good Mom. Love you Mary.
{{HUGS}} and God bless
Today I'm going to see my grand daughters for a few days.

Christine said...

Just started deployment #2. Your blog really is so honest and moving. I can't imagine the healing process, but you have two amazing little girls.