Sunday, September 16, 2007

Life in Texas

Well, the last 5 months have been quite interesting living in Texas. I would have to say that the humidity is the number one thing I have had to get used to, but the one thing that I am not so sure about is the traffic. I hate driving in Houston, even to take Faith to school!! We usually walk, but with the rain and then when I was sick I had to drive her. Just to get into the lane to go to school is a nightmare and it is only a 3 or 4 minute drive!! If I have to go anywhere, and I mean anywhere, I don't leave the house until after 9. I made appointments for the girls last month and when she asked me what time, I said, anytime after 9, I refuse to drive on the beltway before then. She laughed at me, hard. I guess this small town and little city girl is not ready for the big city driving. Moving to Texas has also had a lot of advantages, and I am very happy being here. We love our neighborhood and the fact that most of Faith's school friends live right here in our neighborhood. It has helped all of us to heal, a lot. At first it took a lot of explaining that papa is still in the same heaven, but he just moved a little closer to Texas when we did(that was a tough one), the girls have finally understood that it is not where we are but how we remember him. WE have a lot more room to do special things for papa, and I think that has helped a lot. Texas has opened our hearts a little more and brought a little more life back into ours. I think when we were still in GA I was weighted down with all the surroundings, the memories at every corner and the wonder and anxiety of when he will come home. I think when we left, as hard as it was, it finally sunk in that he was not with 3ID anymore and he did not leave again when they left and he is already home, just not our earthly home. All in all, life in Texas is good. We are happy, fulfilled and enjoying life. We still miss our papa, my Joel, we still wish he was here with us, but we are finding ways to move forward everyday and with that we find more joy, peace and love. ps--The picture is one of the girls taken a few months ago with their love, Hank. Just wanted you all to see how much they have grown. Hank is an American Mastiff who has captured my girls hearts and he loves them just as much. Isn't he huge?! He is a huge ball of love most of the time.

1 comment:

Glo said...

Today of all days I can't get pic.,but very nice to see you on here again. I do know about being a small town girl and traffic. I know your healing,it's in the way you write.God bless you and the girls. We have storm's coming in so I'd better get off. Hope I get to see the pics tomorrow.