Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Another go

Well here I am again, finding myself in need to write.  I have been writing on another blog, mostly about knitting. It helps, but I found myself reading through a few of the later blogs and I got sad....really sad.  I know I have let a lot of people down not writing any more.  I wish I had kept at it, but I guess I have some guilt.  I feel like I need to push forward on moving on, but the truth is I will never move past my first love, I will never move past the pain that lingers in my heart and I will never, ever move past the memories that are forever burned into my head and heart.  So as I sit here just rambling and writing...I feel as though I need to keep posting here, that I need to still have an outlet for me and my feelings of loss.  Not of knitting.  I have a whole new blog just for that and I will try to keep it all up.  I know I can do and Lord knows I have the time, right now.  So here's to a new year, a new path of writing and more moving forward.  I know I can do this...I've done a lot harder things now haven't I?! sorry to all of you that I have left behind.  I didn't mean to hurt, upset or worry anyone.  My deepest apologies. new blog is


Rebekah said...

Hi. :) You don't know me, but my hubby is a 1/15 vet, and I came across your blog some years ago--I couldn't begin to guess how at this point--and have had it in my RSS feed since. Just wanted to let you know there's still someone here--it's good to "see" you back and blogging.

mary said...

Thanks Rebekah.