Friday, April 04, 2008

More Stuff

I read some of the comments and I had to laugh right along with you. I just wish I had taken a photo to send ya'll. Well, we got the garden done yesterday, minus a few bags of mulch I miscalculated on. I should get them out today if the weather holds out and then I will take pictures and post them. It looks pretty nice, different than the huge ol' bushes we had in there. I had to get rid of them, I despised them. We have already had a few butterflies on the plants and that made the girls so excited, they worked even harder with me last night. Faith said, "mama we just did this and the butterflies already know that we are helping them!" To see her face and hear the happiness in the voice was one of the best rewards as a mom. Glo, well I did not grow up in Missouri, but I did grow up in South Dakota so I think that's about the same right? MQ, the girls love, love Tae Kwon Do. Bren is in Tiny Tigers and she is working on getting her yellow belt. Faith has had some more troubles earning her belts, but she is working on her orange. We just started about 2 months ago, maybe 3 and they have both done really well. I think once Faith gets over her worry about getting my approval all the time, she will do really really well. She practices and practices now and she does well at home, but gets to TKD and does not do so well. She gets so nervous! It is pretty cute though. I have to tell a story. A month ago they had their first belt testing and she did not earn her 3rd strips so she could test. She was devastated because Bren got her new belt. I think she was a little embarrassed too. We have been practicing and working on it since so she can earn that third stripe. The other day she went through her form once and I said why don't you do it a few more times and then practice your kicks nice and slow while I get dinner on the table. She said OK, but when I looked she was just sitting on the couch. I got onto her a little bit, but she never got to practicing. So finally I asked her why she would not practice, these are her words; "mama, I don't want to mess up, I just did it perfectly and if I keep doing it I will do it wrong. I don't want to mess up my kicks either". She is such a little perfectionist, just like her papa, it was cute but sad at the same time. I then talked to her about having to make mistakes to learn and get better and without practice we will never get better. She said, "did my papa have to practice a lot? You always say he was so good at everything, I am sure he did not have to practice." I laughed, a lot. "Yes, your papa had to practice and he practiced a lot. He made a lot of mistakes too, but he always learned from them and fast." She smiled and said OK. I know one day I will tell them about mistakes he made as a young adult(high school), to help them understand and know their papa better and hear stories that he would have told them himself to make a point and keep them from making the same mistakes. Anyways, I thought this was a cute little story and a great learning process for all of us here. Take care ya'll and talk to you soon ps--Glo I am in Texas! pps-Heidi, Wear the boots girl!!!! Even if you aren't a boot wearer! My neighbor killed 3 baby diamond backs and he saw a water moccasin, I worry about my dogs! I can't put leather boots on them!


Glo said...

You tell Faith and Bren that I'm very proud of both of them. I've been to a lot of classes with my grand daughter and I've seen the hard work that goes into TKD. My son took TKD with Savannah at first. He said he quit when she started beating him. She's got long legs and a great kick. I wish your girls all the best and I'm sure Papa is looking down from heaven with a big smile. Your a great mom Mary.

It's so neat the butterflies are already coming by. What did you plant? Can't wait to see pictures.

We'll call you a Missouri gal. Any woman who doesn't care if they have on make up, their hair isn't perfect and has mud on their face...And boots too. Is a good ol Gal. I'll drink to that. Woo Hoo!!! Margareta time.


Glo said...

You tell Faith and Bren that I'm very proud of both of them. I've been to a lot of classes with my grand daughter and I've seen the hard work that goes into TKD. My son took TKD with Savannah at first. He said he quit when she started beating him. She's got long legs and a great kick. I wish your girls all the best and I'm sure Papa is looking down from heaven with a big smile. Your a great mom Mary.

It's so neat the butterflies are already coming by. What did you plant? Can't wait to see pictures.

We'll call you a Missouri gal. Any woman who doesn't care if they have on make up, their hair isn't perfect and has mud on their face...And boots too. Is a good ol Gal. I'll drink to that. Woo Hoo!!! Margareta time.


MQ said...

I agree with Glo, tell the girls they're doing great :) I don't think I could remember all the forms and sparring moves that my son can break out :) I actually heard on NPR that those activities that require them memorizing complicated series' of steps is really good for their development. For what we're paying for those lessons it better get him into Harvard :)