Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Sorry I have missed so many days. I have been feeling really under the weather and out of it the last few days. It has to be all the temperature changes we have had recently and the pollen in the air. Between cold stuff and allergy stuff, it is miserable. I am sorry I have not gotten on more or gotten on sooner, but it just seemed like there was not any time or energy lately. I don't have anymore running stories this week, but I know I will have some soon! Take care ya'll and I will be on again soon. Just gotta get over this crud! Hopefully we will see you all tomorrow!

1 comment:

Glo said...

I'm so sorry you have the crud...seems to be going around lately. Hope you get to felling better soon. Miss you.

Got a good report on my knee...healing nicely. It will be a yr old Thur.

Have some Chicken noodle soup, cover up and rest...

Love & {{Hugs}}