Wednesday, April 09, 2008


Hello All! I know it has been a few days since I have been on, but it has been crazy, crazy, crazy and crazier here lately. We had soccer all day on Saturday and by the time we got home we all had had enough for the day, so we just vegged! Sunday was another lazy day for the most part. I went out and ran some errands and Justin did some yard work and took it easy. It was a nice weekend, but what started out as nice was quickly replace by a fast and furiou few days! The week prior was the same.....oh well. I have been running quite a bit these last 5 days. I think I have logged 11-13 miles this week. Not to bad for just starting out again and it has been since Sunday that I started my weekly tally. It is really quite interesting running with a jogging stroller again. I mean, my kiddo's were tiny when I did it last time, less than 30lb's each and now I am running with a 45lb preschooler who does not know how to sit still! That makes it even more challenging! It has been good though. Justin put it into perspective for me today, he said, Geeze Mary, when you go out running without that jogger you are going to feel like your flying! Way to train for your next marathon! I know he is right too! I can feel it in my hips and quads and shoulders from pushing the stroller. I guess I forgot how much you have to push with your legs when your struggling to push 50+ pounds in front of you! Not to mention keeping the dog close by and at bay so he does not go chasing the ducks! I have been taking Max(our golden retriever) with us lately (he is on a diet, he weighed 109 pounds in march!) and he loves all the "wildlife" that is out there, I forgot about the ducks for a while, but he quickly reminded me that the ducks are out and about! Here is a quick story to get you laughing. Last week or so I took Max running with us and like I said, I forgot about the ducks that occupy the ponds in our neighborhood. So we are running, Bren has his leash(after a half mile the dog is pretty well sluggish and stays close, he should he is 30 pounds over weight!) and we are going on our way and just as Brenna says, "look at the ducks!" Max hears ducks and he is gone, off like a rocket for the ducks. So here I am, on a bridge that will roll Bren backwards if I let go now and she will surely fly into the road, a dog that is running faster than I have seen him run since he chased Faith on the four wheeler at the ranch. I had no clue what to do! So in a split second I thought, push the stroller forward to the grass, it will stop, get Max before he goes into the pond after all the ducks or worse, kills one infront of my baby girl. So I do just that, Bren is screaming when she realizes that I have let go and that Max is headed for the duck and might hurt him. I get Max(barely) by stepping on the end of his leash, he comes jerking back into me and I almost topple ontop of him and start the whole process over again! It was not so funny when it happened and I was not in the mood to think it was funny for a few days. I have now gotten over myself and see how damn funny it is and realize, that this could only happen to me! It took me a while to take Max again, but he is now on pretty good behaviour and does well with the ducks. I do have to say I am proud of him for co-existing with his "natural" prey! Take care you all and maybe, just maybe I will have another funny story to share tomorrow!


Glo said...

That was so funny. I'm sorry to say this,but you just made my day. I can just see you running after Max. I'll be waiting for another story. I hope Brenna is Ok...she going to be asking for a jake brake for Christmas...hee hee.
You know I love Ya...Thanks for the Laugh...

Glo said...

What know funny stories today....

I know it has to be warmer there. Today we've had rain,snow &'s all gone now...just yucky. More rain tomorrow....all I can say is we better have a lot of flowers in May...

Have a great weekend.


Glo said...

Ok I'm from Missouri....I no know should have been NO.