Thursday, April 27, 2006

Not quite sure

Have you ever had that feeling where someone is there? You know someone is sitting there watching you, on the couch, in the car...everywhere? Even though you know you are alone in the house or in the car, you turn and you catch a glance of something, only that something is not there? That has happened to me almost all day today and mostly this week. It is so strange, I don't know what to make of it. TOday I was in the car and I turned to look behind me quickly and as I did, I saw this shadow of someonein the back seat(I am driving and I knew there was not anyone in the car with me), so I paniced for a moment, looked again and there was not anything there. Then later I was driving down the highway, on my way home and in the treeline I could see this figure running, as fast as I was driving(yes mom my lead foot was kicking in) and I felt in my hear it had to be JOel. It was so strange. Then again today, walking all over the house I could see these shadows or images...of course on second inspection they were not there. I feel absolutely crazy even thinking these images could be JOel with me, or even writing this down, but it was so strange. I have been feeling a little out of sorts knowing that I am moving and leaving the house, maybe this is his way of telling me he is always with me no matter where I am. I don't know....I still feel crazy even thinkng and admitting this, but what else could these strange feelings and sightings be? I should feel at ease that he is with me....but it is so strange to have these feelings and not know what they are. At times I did feel at ease, at times I knew it was him, but other times(maybe because it happened so darn much), I don't think I was trusting myself anymore and what I was thinking I was seeing. Man, do I sound like a nut! I promise I am not loosing it, just having a darn day!

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