Sunday, April 30, 2006

10 Miler

Well I signed up for the Army 10 miler this week. I have joined an e-mail support group called the Gold Star Wives. There is a group of them who run the 10 miler in honor of their husbands. I decided that I would join them and run in honor of Joel and all the others that have given their lives for our country. I am excited about it, but also nervous. I wanted to train for a marathon when JOel got home and I wanted him to help me train for it, he was a great runner, but would never have run a marathon just to run it, his knees and ankles were a little messed up from 15 years of running and jumping out of airplanes. I will be 11 months and 2 days out on the day of the run, that seems nearly impossible to be there. I cannot beleive that it will be 6 months next Saturday. Unreal and unbeleivable. I cannot beleive it, but at the same time it is proof that we are going to make it, that we are going to survive this process. I am hoping to get some friends to run in the run with me, in honor of Joel and also in honor of those that have died for our country. It would be awesometo have the support of friends and family that day and even some running with me(or infront of me).

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