Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Stories we tell about Santa

I was curious if anyone has any "good" stories they tell their kids about Santa, just to keep them beleiving a little longer? I told a good one tonight to the girls, they asked how Santa will get into the house because we don't have a fireplace. So I did my best improtu and let my imagination go to work. I told the girls that he sprinkles magic dust on the roof and poof a fireplace appears, he slides in, does his magic and then slides out and the fireplace disappears. (i thought it was good!) Then the girls said they wanted to stay awake to see this cool thing happen(oops). So I said, you cannot do that! He will know if you are awake and then he won't come until you are asleep!! But, if he is really rushed, he will pull out his magic sleeping dust and sprinkle some around the house and you fall asleep fast!!! Then, he comes down the chimney and is in and out super fast! The next thing you know, Santa has come and gone and you fell asleep!! They bought it for now, but I wonder how long that story will work! This is the fun part I love and I think Joel would have laughed his butt off at me!


MQ said...

I wish I had some advice for you, but my two boys are full fledged believers, so I've never had to think of something! We just watched The Santa Clause and it was so fun to see it through their eyes.

Merry Christmas.

Glo said...

Oh my Mary,
Ideas? I been messing with my kids heads for so long. First if you didn't have a fireplace-Santa has a "Magic Key" that will open all doors.We always left a snack for Santa and yes he was messy and I would fuss about it. Also sometimes he would get foot prints (leaves, tiggs etc.)on the Carpet or floor.We would even leave carrots for the raindeer(I've gone as far as to chew it up and spit some on the lawn so they would see where they ate it.)My Son went so far as to have paw and slead tracks in his yard.All Mall Santa's were just Santa's helpers. For years we had the real Santa at Macy's in K.C. He was a wonderful old gent with a real beard. He lived while my kids were small.Also I always told them that we had to pay Santa so he could pay his elfs.We always bought a small gift or two to give to the Salvation Army for needy kids.I think this helps them to be more caring as they get older. Also a Friend of ours(pretending to be a elf of Santa's) would call the kids on the 23rd to make sure they were being good. Elf's name was Tiny.
All I can say is have fun with it, be ready for any and all Questions. Make your own traditions.
God bless you and the girls.May you have a very Merry Christmas.
Oh yes we also always made a birthday cake for Jesus,they would decorate.
Love, Glo

Nancy said...

One of my favorite Santa stories is when our oldest son was at the age where kids at school had started "talking" and so he came home and asked if there was really a Santa Claus. I just said there will always be a Santa Claus. To that he said, "Well, I know there really is a Santa Claus because you and Dad wouldn't spend that much money on us!" To this day we all still believe in Santa Claus!
Sarah's Mom