Thursday, February 23, 2006

Life After Iraq: Moments from my children

Just a few hours ago, I picked up my oldest daughter, Faith, from pre-k. As we were driving I was finding myself getting agitated with all the darn delivery truck drivers out there, why is that they think because they are in a bigger truck they have the right to cut you off or pass you from the right hand side of the road!!! I said to nobody in particular, damn drivers, passing on the wrong side of the darn road! Faith, who was in the backseat, said, "mama, who are you talking to?" So I explained a few rules of the road, not passing on the right when there is not a lane and using your blinker. So she thought about it for a moment, in this way she is like her papa, she is a thinker, finally she says, "mama, you just need to stop him and tell him that he cannot pass on the right side of the road if there is not a lane, tell him he could hurt someone". I laughed out loud, not because my soon to be 5 year old said this to me, but because she sounded just like her papa. I told her this and she laughed and said, I told you my cold made me sound like a boy. I laughed again, and said, no, you think like your papa did, and it brought a smile to my face. So after a minute of thinking again, she says the same statement over again about telling the truck driver, except this time she said it in a deep voice, like a man and said, "did I sound like him more?" Kids!!! I love these girls and it is moments like these that I realize how important they are to my process and my life. It is moments like this that I realize how blessed I am to have them and I will forever see my husband in them, some days that is hard, most days, it brings a little bit of happiness to me. I truly am blessed, even in this most difficult time.

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